Core Beliefs
Virgin Birth
Original Sin of Man
Jesus Christ Risen Savior
Salvation Only Through Jesus Christ
Trinity of God (Father, Son, Holy Spirit)
Eternal Judgment
Resurrection of the Dead
All Scripture is Inspired Word of God (2 Tim 3:16)
Water Baptism after Salvation
Baptism of the Holy Spirit
Office of Elders and Deacons to Govern Local Church
Local church be covered by Overseers
Core Functions
Emphasis on the study and preaching of the Word of God (The Bible)
Importance of prayer and intercession
Commitment to Evangelism and Missions
Establish and encourage an atmosphere of worship
Dedication to healing, training and equipping of the saints for ministry
Encourage Fellowship: share in sufferings and resurrection life
Provide an environment for and promote the operation of the gifts of the Holy Spirit
Commission the believer to make disciples of the nations